4 件のスーパーチャット
•11/15 8:55
ada tau yop, terapi cadel namanya terapi harimau
•11/15 8:48
sabar yop, itu lidah kamu keseleo paling
ABANK Tegar dari malank
•11/15 8:48
yop coba nyanyi "bekerdja bekerdja"
•11/15 8:47
apapun masalahnya, yopi yang kena yeayy
9 件のコメント
•2 時間前
Thanks for the fun Area15 collab! OtsuArea15!
•2 時間前
iofi won a few, but like gatcha a few losses were shortly after. Dice game is still confusing... Thanks for streaming Risu, Moona and iofi.
•1 時間前
Thanks for the collab💖💚
•2 時間前
Pertamaxxx yeeeeey 🔥🔥🔥
•2 時間前
•2 時間前
Otsu Yopi!
•2 時間前
OtsuArea15 Yop!
•2 時間前
【 Liar's Bar 】Si Paling Bohong【 iofi / hololiveID 】
Peak Concurrent
Super Chat
Concurrent viewers
11/15 8:01 - 11/15 9:13
Chat messages
11/15 8:00 - 11/15 9:16