3 件のスーパーチャット
傑德(JP:ゼット EN:Zed)
•11/05 10:19
Thanks for the game!!!!対戦ありがとう!!
•11/05 10:29
イオフィちゃん、勝利おめでとう〜! ナイスゲームだったよ!
•11/05 10:09
Yopi gacha very powerful tonight. Thanks for game!
25 件のコメント
•1 週間前
28:10 otsuyopi ! 一緒にゲームできて楽しかった❗️
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1:00:20 proof that yopi didn’t disable voice for us. Everyone was just silent by unspoken agreement, but I got agitated from Yopi’s death and started scolding Akio for a second.
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1:00:00 the tragic part is, Yopi did that to herself… both times were her calling out 45p and failing, I didn’t call her a liar at all…
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Thanks for the stream Iofi! Hope you enjoyed the game! Otsuyopi!
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Otsukare ~♡
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1:20:00 Luck issue Yop
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お疲れさまでした~ 対ありでした!
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Naisu play yop sasuga mastah devide et impera.XD
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2:21 start Timestamps, iofi comments, gameplay death's in replies (only a English speaker so if someone else wishes to add please do) Iofi 5:14 Alien greetings. 9:10 Alien greetings. 9:23 is iofi Queen? 10:08 surprised iofi 11:20 iofi oshi? 13:00 3 Queen's for iofi? 15:57 2 Queen's for iofi? 16:24 chu from iofi. 16:37 3 Queen's receive chu from iofi. 18:48 iofi hears Ace pronounced oddly. 19:16 iofi asking how many lives character has 19:58 1 in 6 chance, iofi:pretty good. 20:15 lose for iofi receive chu 20:20 iofi is lonely. (Only one spectating) 20:30 chat:backseat... iofi:how? 21:10 iofi still lonely 22:15 poor iofi won't someone join the lonely Alien? 24:18 iofi: lonely, so lonely, I have no body. 25:58 iofi:Chriiiiis 26:57 iofi: welcome, welcome. 27:24 iofi:Liar, Liar... gomen. Sorry Chris. 29:16 iofi: holy.... oo la la 29:31 Alien greetings, iofi oshi? 30:45 iofi: chu Rado 34:22 iofi:hello darling. 34:39 iofi:hi skyline201440 chu 35:01 angry Alien 35:33 skyline why 36:57 please come here Rado, skyline. 37:26 iofi:Liar 38:40 iofi:Liar 39:17 iofi:Liar, probably, come here, baby, baby, you hoo... Liar. 40:44 iofi's back 40:53 iofi oshi? 42:05 trust iofi 43:32 iofi oshi? 44:15 iofi: ehe 48:30 iofi: hehehe 49:17 iofi eheh hehehe I love you Sotanin 49:34 hi Rudy 50:25 iofi offers a date.... in the afterlife 51:34 iofi wins 53:45 iofi oshi? 57:01 iofi 3 kings? Liar. 57:44 chat:iofi really dreaming to be tall, so she choose Rhino. iofi:hey 58:00 -- 59:47 iofi explaining the rules in Indonesian 1:01:00 come here jason 1:02:50 Chat:Salty iofi? iofi:dawn the luck. Liar! 1:04:04 well jason.... come here jason, come here! I need friend 1:05:36 iofi: all in, all in? 1:06:12 iofi: love iofi, 2 king's? 1:07:37 iofi: Angry Alien noises due to mis click? 1:08:49 hellloo, come to me/iofi. 1:09:36 hello? Liar (iofi being shoulder devil/Angel whispering in ear) 1:16:41 sleepy Alien, last game
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お疲れ様です! 楽しかったです!
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自分用 1:04:38~1:16:41
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お疲れ様ですよー 楽しかったよー
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Otsu Yopi!
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【 Liar's Bar 】Let's Gamble【 iofi / hololiveID 】
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11/05 9:01 - 11/05 10:28
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11/05 9:00 - 11/05 10:31