69 件のスーパーチャット
•11/05 0:03
thanks for the stream 💜 having trouble sleeping myself, too. looking forward for tonight~
•11/05 0:19
Kroniichiwa, Kronii. Great to hear you are trying to fix your sleep schedule and life. It is good to plan a schedule to help make your goals clearer and countable. I am also on fixing my Gym schedule too so let's encourage each other with our goals. 一緒に頑張ってしましょう!
•11/05 0:00
When I've sent a supa for my birthday in the past, I wrote so much you'd forget to greet me (no worries tho, I don't mind). So, I'll keep it simple this year. Your presence is more than enough of a gift, after all. I'll always root for you and your self improvement.
•11/05 1:11
•11/05 1:25
My Schedule starts with work since I can roll out of bed and log into work. Lunch shower, then after my 8 hours I either do my side hobby or hang out with friends. I multitask friends, pets, etc. Sleep at 11pm UNLESS streams.
Tate Aniki
•11/05 0:27
As an ESTbro who locked into a college-tier sleep schedule ages ago, I've managed to hold something resembling a consistent schedule lately because I get a bonus in Pokemon Sleep for hitting the hay at a preset time.
•11/05 0:24
time management the stream (you've got this kronii):_kropet:
•11/05 0:18
Got home from celebrating my Mom's bday and got stream jumpscared. Struggle with insomnia as well and a trick I do to reset my sleep schedule is pulling an all nighter until the bedtime I want. Hope we can get ready together!
•11/05 0:16
We’re all in this together 🤝 By the time you read this, I hope you’ll have made some progress into better habits and a healthier lifestyle. Good sleep, good food, good exercise. Keep to your schedules, chief, and good luck 🫡
•11/05 0:14
Besides the jokes, I do wish on you to get solutions to your troubles, I don't know much but I understand how it's gotta be rough on you at this time. Good luck Kronii, will be cheering for you. Big love, take care 💙
•11/05 1:36
Rest well:_kroheart:
•11/05 1:29
It’s impressive you’re taking all these steps to improve! It’ll be a struggle, but like you said it’s mainly about sleep. As long as you stick to a better nightly sleep schedule that’s already enough!
•11/05 1:23
Good luck on the start of your new life. now You'll know how us normal people get through the day.
•11/05 1:21
Best of luck on your schedule! Hope things work out for you!
•11/05 1:18
hi kronii, you're awesome and I really enjoy your clips and streams, I can't express how much you make me happy. I love your content. Thank you for all the times you make me laugh
Daakku (3times)
•11/05 1:17
this stream really helped me out now I can draw for 15 hours straight, go to gym, eat, play with my friends and have free time, thank you Boss
•11/05 1:10
I got a personal SA when it came to make up and they always let me know if there were new products pertaining to a certain brand. Safe to say, I would definitely recommend. They give free samples too!
SiNaC 8
•11/05 0:54
what happened to time dog
Paz Tan
•11/05 0:54
Please take these as references only tho Kronii, don’t force yourself to follow these every day or it won’t be long lasting:_kropet:
•11/05 0:52
I hope that this schedule works out, try it and you just might feel better :_kroheart::_kropet:
Mr. Chair-man
•11/05 0:46
Good luck Kronii! I'm also going to try following along with this schedule! I need to lock in again after spending 16 hours a day on Monster Hunter this weekend :_kromegalol:
•11/05 0:39
if you want a good example, just have a gander at Hunter S. Thompson's (former) daily routine XD (p.s. do not replicate)
•11/05 0:36
kronii you can't plan every single hour of your day, it'll drive you insane. life's too fluid and has too many variables. Just try and get 6 hours of sleep a night and let the world take you.
•11/05 0:31
•11/05 0:26
Sasuga Time Warden, speedrunning her schedule AND her sleep time. Hope you can fix that problem soon though
•11/05 0:25
Good morning, Kronii! You once said you couldn’t move to Japan, but if I moved to Canada, would you welcome me warmly? Of course, with marriage in mind. I'll be your alarm clock! Ring Ring!
Fluorite K8
•11/05 0:23
昼間はちゃんと太陽を浴びて、夜はぬるいお風呂に20分入りましょう。You’re so kind to extend the end of your streams to keep us entertained, but feel free to wrap up whenever you planned to!
•11/05 0:14
I don't fall asleep easily, found that the Box Breathing method is kinda reliable, especially when used together with other methods like not touching devices. Hope it helps. :_kropet:
•11/05 0:11
have you tried eating flintstone gummy's that might help
•11/05 0:07
Well, dunno if it's applicable to your situation, but adding some weighted blankets helped when I was having sleeping issues
126 件のコメント
•1 週間前
It took years for me to develop my daily routine, even with the constant changes going on in my life. In spite of the uncontrollable variables, I did manage to keep some aspects of my routine consistent (time I wake up, how long I do this or that, when I eat, etc.). Committing to a routine won’t be easy, but if you made it this far in life on a “go-with-the-flow” mindset, then I have the utmost faith that this new schedule you set for yourself will get you closer to putting your life back on track. Trust yourself, don’t get discouraged or distracted, and take pride in the small steps you took to reach your goal. I’m no professional by any means, but experience is still an effective teacher. Best of luck on this new experience! It’s the beta test schedule, so don’t fret if you gotta adjust for random or unexpected factors. It’s natural to get hit out of nowhere by change and have to adapt on the fly. Still, give yourself credit for trying! And thanks for the chill stream! This has been eye-opening!
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream 01:42 START 08:40 Sleep schedule 37:02 Daytime schedule 39:04 Kronii naps after tending to the cat / 猫の世話をした後で眠くなってお昼寝をしてしまうKronii 48:08 Schedule is done / スケジュール完成 53:08 Momronii is a great dancer / お母さんはダンスが得意 57:28 Winter makeup / 冬のメイクの話 1:02:00 Is Sally a VIB (Very Important Berson)? / SallyはSephoraのVIB? 1:07:04 Sally's response / Sallyからの返事 1:40:53 Supa reading 2:03:00 Can I marry Kronii if I move to Canada? / カナダに移住したらKroniiと結婚出来る?
•1 週間前
The stomach is the the clock of the body. Eating and drinking RIGHT when you wake up is the best way to set your circadian rhythm. Even if you can't trick your brain into forming a habit that you want to set, your stomach remembers a pattern you force on it and gets used to it. Your stomach will set when you sleep and wake up. Good luck with your goals.
•1 週間前
After read your tweet about fixing the sleep schedule and lock in with schedule for a week, I knew you would definitely do something to make that happen, but I didn't expect to have this surprise stream today. While listening to your daily routines and how your day goes was so interesting. Organizing the schedule together based on that was fun too. I can feel how serious you are about this challenge. So it will work, Kronii. It will work. For me, I don't have a very strict schedule to do something daily. Except for the basic things like time to have meals and go to the gym, I usually have a very flexible timetable to keep. For example, I usually go to sleep around 10 or 11 PM, but if there's things to do or hanging out with friends until late night, I go off to bed at very late hours like 2 or 3 AM. Sometimes even later than that. But I always go back to my usual routine. I didn't have this schedule until few years ago. It is hard to say that I was doing well back then after finishing my mandatory military service and trying to keep studying my major in university. Sleep schedule is completely out of normal range, and so many things were off the top of my head. It was rough. So I tried my best to make big boundaries of timetable and then focus on fixing little things. Sleep was really hard to fix. There was a lot of trial and error. Lots of regrets too. Yet, it's not impossible to change it. For me, I think working out at the gym was helpful. Also, trying to finish all the things I have to do before very late at night and going to bed when the time I decide no matter what was really helpful. Even I made it. So I bet you can do really well. Much better than I did. Good luck. I truly root for your success on this challenge Hope your plan starts off well after this stream. Good to know how your days usually go too. I bet spending time with your cats must be such a happy, lovely moment to spend. Rest well. Have a good sleep and sweet dreams. You've got this, Kronii. I hope I did give you extra hands today. See you tomorrow.
•1 週間前
Kronii - have you considered if you are getting enough daylight early in the morning which will impact your quality and timing of your sleep? Maybe you need the morning daylight (as in go outside or open a window to get direct daylight for like 20 mins) so your circadian rhythm stays in alignment. This is what tells your brain to release melatonin at night so you sleep. I suggest looking into how early morning daylight imacts your sleep. Dr. Andrew Hubermann has videos on this. If you live a country that has alot of sunlight you only need like 5-10 mins of sunlight but in countries that have little sunlight, daylight is enough but you need like 20-30 mins.
•1 週間前
Ok, time to try to fix own bad gamer sleep schedule...
•1 週間前
Wasn't expecting a stream past the usual time but now I understand why it happened in the first place. Trying to stick to a schedule when you haven't had one for a long time is going to be hard. The temptation to nap will be very strong. I recommend sleeping for 9 hours. It sounds like a long time, but it's a lot more refreshing than 6-8 hours, and helps account for some time trying to fall asleep and any tossing/turning in bed. It should help you resist taking a nap later in the day. I hope this schedule works for you, Kronii.
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream today! I missed a bunch of this live because of dealing with stuff with my own sleep schedule and waking up late, but I learned what grwm means-- And even if I don't always catch every stream, I'll be rooting for you on your self-improvement journey, not just because you're my Promise Oshi-- But also just because of how amazing you are in general! Progress is progress even if it doesn't seem like it at first, and having a week to just see what works and what doesn't isn't a bad thing, and in a way, it also kinda inspires me as well to want to see what I might want to adjust in my own schedule-- I definitely plan on watching what I missed in the VOD as soon as I can as well. Have a good rest Kronii, and I hope everyone else has a good day/night as well!
•1 週間前
Good luck, Kronii! I believe in you to succeed! Time, patience and a lot of dedication are going to be needed, but I trust you to get to a better place where you feel better with yourself. For me, I can't share a good ending story at trying the same, but at least I can share the things that didn't work in my case. Trying to stick too closely to a particular hour of the day got too complicated for me; too many uncertainties and random compromises got in the way of my best intentions. I had more luck assigning a number of hours in the day to a task rather than a particular time of the day. The other big one has to be the screen time, nothing keeps the brain engaged as a bright screen. Nothing is written in stone when dealing with time management, and while the day-life style works for a lot of people, there's plenty of alternatives that align with the goals you want to achieve. Trial and error are your friends, give yourself the chance to experiment and record what works best for you. Try to include more media related to it during your shower binges, maybe some inspiration could hit while you're at it. Best of luck!
•1 週間前
US veteran with military-grade insomnia. Long time lurker and VOD-gang enforcer, day one fan. From my experience, exercise will help to tire the body and prepare it for rest. A stable and continuous sleep schedule of approximately 8 hours per night is ideal, but the CONTINUITY of this schedule is the critical factor. I found that Melatonin didn't help me. The only sleep aid that was any good for my biology was Valerian Root. All my best wishes, Warden. Find the right mix for you, and know that we all wish you health and happiness.
•40 分前
Your internal clock is out of wack. Forget getting up at 4 and then trying to get to bed at a reasonable hour. You'll never pull that off. If you're getting to sleep at 7 in the morning, do that, then sleep as long as you can. See if you can rest until 6 or 7 pm. and THEN, get some caffeinie, and try to stay awake until like 7pm or 8pm the next day. You'll be so exhausted from being awake for 24 hours that you'll fall asleep. Get up the next morning. Now your schedule is reset and you can decide when you want to go to bed and wake up. Once you decide though, consistency is KEY.
•1 週間前
idk how she does but a stream of her just talking feels like ASMR, idk if it is that im sleepy as hell and it's 5AM but i love watching her just yapping, its so relaxing
•1 週間前
I wish you success in organising your life schedule. I think that having fixed work hours in particular would benefit you. Our work hours give a clear structure for our activities each day. For example, office workers know that on Monday-Friday they start working at 9 am. and finish by 5 pm. They can then organise their personal schedule around these work hours. Unlike office or shift workers, your work is super flexible. Moreover, there are few to no short-term repercussion from not working each day (not streaming, not doing behind-the-scenes work). As a result, it is much easier to be disorganised. One concern is that the schedule contains so many activities that it does not seem feasible in the long run. In one day, you want to hang out with friends, go to gym, chill by yourself, and be available for your family. Normally, people do not have enough time after work and have to choose. Even the streaming hours (6-10 pm) do not really correspond with how you normally stream. There are three main types of activities - work, sleep, and personal. There will always be a trade-off. From this concern, I would like to suggest you build on this template and do a weekly schedule. Instead of cramming everything you want to do in a single day, plan your activities for each day of the week. For example, Monday to Thursday nights might be reserved for long streams, which means you will hang out with friends on other nights. If you have a family dinner on every Friday, then there will be short or no stream on Friday night. Hopefully, a weekly schedule could give a sense of being organised enough, while being flexible enough to cope with sudden situations.
•1 週間前
Good luck to you Kronii and hope the schedule fixing goes well!! While it's not on the same level, I've had times where I've stayed up late racing online with my friends especially like 10 years ago, and it can mess with your routine and also lack of sleep can leave you feeling off with your mood than it normally can, so I totally get how you feel with it being all messed up. Take care!
•1 週間前
Personal timestamp - 1:47:15 I wish you the best regarding the schedule. You have my utmost respect with trying something new to better yourself. It won’t be easy to form the habit, but I’m sure you’ll pull through. I hope you’ll be patient with yourself through it though.
•3 日前
I'll tell you about the specifics of sleep. A person sleeps in cycles of 1.5 hours and must complete each cycle. Each person's cycle length varies by about -/+ 10 minutes. For this reason, everyone has a different period of night rest. The minimum acceptable sleep duration is 4.5 hours, because the first three cycles restore you, and all subsequent cycles give you energy for the next day. Normally a person should go through 5 cycles, if you sum this up with the time needed to fall asleep, you get an average of 7.5-8 hours. If you sleep longer than 5 cycles, it is considered harmful. The hardest part of all of this is determining your body's personal cycle length. The easiest way is to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, the recovery time is fixed, so all you have to do is record what time you wake up and summarize the result by day.
•1 週間前
As someone who has had the last 15 years be extremely turbulent, and who sucks at adhering the schedules in general, my advice is not to jump straight into such a detailed and strict plan because it will be extremely difficult to stay disciplined enough to follow it. Instead, build a few habits first, then add on to them once they become routine. Also, I found that going to the gym really helped keep me in check (especially if I signed up for a competition or have some goal to work towards). Good luck, Kronii! I understand the pain of the cycle of waking up late and getting nothing done.
•1 週間前
i really hope you get better kronii, i can't watch your streams but i really enjoy hearing you in the vods. hope everything gets better.
•1 週間前
Having a new schedule will be hard to follow at first. Take your time and adjust when necessary. You can still have a fixed and yet flexible schedule by using fixed blocks of time for certain activities. Meaning the slot for gym on non gym day will free up space for either work or rng event family time in the afternoon. In the event you can't get work done in the afternoon, you still have the nighttime slot to do. Think of activities in slot format. You can rotate the slots (1-2hr period) , bring forward or later in time. I treat the first waking hr to be the most impt hr of the day, good to plan ur day using this 30-1hr, then start ur day. I do suggest doing hard stuff/work in the morning, so when you do clear it, you will feel u achieved something even if u don't do anything productive in afternoon/night. Don't beat urself up if you didn't follow exactly as some things will stick and other will fall through. I believe you will find a schedule suitable for ur life
•1 週間前
Getting into a new schedule is hard for sure, but I believe in you! I have insomnia and it makes it so hard to function at times, but I believe you can handle whatever comes your way. Just remember to find joy in even the smallest victories. Good luck Kronii! ❤
•1 週間前
regarding melatonin: if you notice having bad dreams often when taking it, stop taking it. melatonin can cause nightmares.
•1 週間前
Hopefully this schedule is the first step to getting yourself on track and feeling better
•1 週間前
You Are Doing Great My Kronii!
•1 週間前
I almost laughed at work when I realized that coincidentally on oshi day, lots of people were saying stuff like aww thanks for being my oshi or I'm happy to be your oshi. Kronii: Help, what's the normal amount of hours of sleep do I need at night again? My life is out of control. My oshi is too real. Too relatable. But jokes aside, I hope this helps you fix your schedule and get your life closer to where you want it to be! I genuinely enjoy these yap streams. And new lore unlocked for Time Mom too
•1 週間前
ive been having success with habitica for work related stuff although i wouldnt put pleasurable activities in there bc it makes it feel like work. its a habit RPG with health and rank ups that let you spend "tokens" on yourself and you lose HP if dont do a task. 30m of exercise a gallon of water, breakfast when you get up, 2 other meals at least, your daily work and working on a new skill/recipe is a pretty good milestone if you do it consistently. If you have insomnia dont try to force yourself to sleep it makes it worse just wait until you know you can sleep. Last thing id say is just (for me) controlled chaos works... everything in moderation even moderation.. if youre burnt out take some time for yourself and its okay to let the daily activities slide for some fun occasionally but make sure youre at least eating and drinking water right.. i also dont like schedules and find life to be more rewarding when i just plan "blocks" instead where i do x activities in Y timeframe at whatever hours suit me.
•1 週間前
This is the most unexpected place where I would find motivation to fix my mostly identical problem.
•1 週間前
I have never seen a VTuber or Youtuber at all to try and set a routine, not did they try to fix anything. I was so surprised to tune in that stream, but unfortunately I had to tun off, because I needed to go to work. Hopefully I can watch it now and learn from it. Thanks Kronini!!!!
•1 週間前
2 & half hours of grwm: trying to fix my life! great chatting today Kronii! have a good afternoon!
•5 日前
If I remember correctly it takes longer than 2-3 weeks for the body to slowly lose muscle definitions but there are muscle memory of sort that give buff when you try to get back into training so do take your time in recovering. Just consider it as deloading. Post deload studies also showed better muscle growth too. Nobody will look great after falling sick so don't be too hard on yourself Kronii.
•1 週間前
never tried to commit to a schedule that's quite so specific, but I hope it helps for the troubles you're facing. Certainly hope the sleep gets better, at least Good talk today, sounds like there's a good bit of fun ahead for the week between all the grind
grwm: trying to fix my life
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