2 件のスーパーチャット
blade Brave
•11/08 18:22
yooooooooo I used to love singing teenage dirtbag with my grandmother when I was a kid, thanks for that one Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!
blade Brave
•11/08 17:41
he said yes so swiftly, he had to book an emergency appointment with his Taylor to be ready in time.
6 件のコメント
•3 日前
Sheep appears 4:14 Summertime Sadness 15:25 That's not my name 22:11 - 29:00 Tonight - 33:57 (Kids-Bop Version) - 40:00 - 43:29 Pokerface - 51:00 (too dirty for da sheep) Stop telephoning me - Pippa da Rippa - 58:10 - 1:04:30 (Goofy Edition)
•6 日前
Thanks for singing Lisa
•6 日前
Otsusheepy!! thanks for the stream!!
•4 日前
Thank you for the stream.
•4 日前
Good Sheepy sounds
•6 日前
Thanks for the karaoke Lisa!
Get ready with me to record!
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11/08 17:10 - 11/08 19:28
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11/08 17:15 - 11/08 19:31