3 件のスーパーチャット
•11/02 11:52
Goleog Thais
•11/02 11:31
love is only as good as it hurts ❤🔫😳
•11/02 9:11
AnyaTori Collab? What's next, snow in Jakarta?
57 件のコメント
•2 週間前
4:30 配信開始 簡単なゲームの流れなど 6:26 今日のゲームは 8:38 自己紹介、ゲームを始めるために色々試す 18:57 1回目のゲーム開始 26:58 キアラ脱落 33:35 ラオーラ脱落 36:03 レイネ脱落、アーニャの勝利、Ⅱゲームへ 40:47 アーニャ脱落 49:57 レイネ脱落 54:22 キアラ脱落、ラオーラの勝利、Ⅲゲームへ 1:09:15 イオフィからレイド 1:11:11 キアラ脱落 1:14:25 レイネ脱落 1:17:01 アーニャ脱落、ラオーラの勝利、リザルト、小休憩 1:20:58 2回目のゲーム開始 1:26:20 アーニャ脱落 1:29:30 ラオーラ脱落 1:31:09 レイネ脱落、キアラの勝利、Ⅱゲームへ 1:37:39 レイネ脱落 1:39:25 ラオーラ脱落 1:43:18 キアラ脱落、アーニャの勝利、Ⅲゲームへ 1:49:26 アーニャ脱落 1:52:18 キアラ脱落 1:52:49 ラオーラ脱落、レイネの勝利、リザルト 1:55:40 次のゲームのために色々ためす 2:07:30 3回目のゲーム開始(Ⅱゲームマッチ) 2:17:31 ラオーラ脱落 2:17:52 キアラ脱落 2:19:33 レイネ脱落、アーニャの勝利、Ⅱゲームへ 2:26:46 レイネ脱落 2:40:28 みんな消え始める、再配置 2:43:58 キアラ脱落 2:47:07 ラオーラ脱落、アーニャの勝利、リザルト 2:47:54 感想など 2:49:49 おつかれ~ 新しいアイテムなどが増え戦略が増し、さらに楽しいゲームに進化しましたね。これからコラボゲームの定番として流行っていきそうです。配信おつでした~
•2 週間前
Raora is the happiest Russian Roulette player the world has ever known.
•2 週間前
This game was the perfect opportunity for Anya & Kiara's "rivalry" to be realized 😆
•2 週間前
Thank you for the collab! I could feel the love in every bullet It feels so different from playing alone!
•2 週間前
Raora singing Above Below after Reine and Kiara kept saying the word "unpredictable" ww
•2 週間前
This game mode works way better than I would have expected!
•2 週間前
Player types this game: Anya: keep the Flaming Blade feud going no matter what Reine: just enjoy the vibes and go with your gut, odds be darned Kiara: “I calculated the odds but boy am I bad at math.” Raora: secret strat of actually keeping track of the shell count
•2 週間前
Thanks for the collab Anya, I hope we can see you and Kiara hate each other more in the future!
•2 週間前
Thanks for the collab stream today
•2 週間前
This collab was a lot of fun. Loved all the silly banter and randomness of what is going on. Thanks for the collab Anya and thanks for inviting Reine, Kiara and Raora!
•2 週間前
Thanks for organizing the collab, it was so much fun.
•2 週間前
This collab was so fun! Everyone in it was amazing! Thank you so much Anya, Kiara, Raora & Reine! I would love to see more of this group, in another collab for this game or Liars bar.
•2 週間前
27:22 and the rivalry CONTINUES 36:14 gg.... OOIIAA
•2 週間前
2:26:51 the other confessing their love to Reine Kiara: was not having any of that tee tee moments LOL
•2 週間前
Kiara's lonely Tales of Symphonia tangent spoke to my soul.
•2 週間前
Chaotic ENID collab lets go! This was a lot of fun to watch much banter and begging. Thanks for hosting Anya
•2 週間前
•2 週間前
Raora is so good at having fun in this game 😂 She always chooses the right guy to kill for more content
•2 週間前
Thanks for the collab! It was lots of fun seeing you all play this game and go against each other lol
•2 週間前
This was a ton of fun! Thanks for hosting the collab, Anya! I just hope that one day you and Wawa can set aside your differences and stop hating each other 😔
•2 週間前
super fun collab! the banter was so great💛🧡💗💙
•2 週間前
Thank you for the fun collab
•2 週間前
Wawa, ra, Weine and... Wanya? The anticipated Anyatori feud was suddenly interrupted by the secret arrival of the Peafowl and Panther love duo The EN's showed a lot of mercy, Anya stole the win but this collab reminded me that the Indonesians give no F's when victory is on the table! Beware!
•2 週間前
Honestly, going all the way up to four players is a pretty good idea for the update. I haven't played the game in the while since I was satisfied with the Endless Mode score I got (It wasn't very high), but I might revisit the game someday
•2 週間前
Thank you for this great collab! The multiplayer mode for this game looks awesome. It was so much fun! You girls were hilarious! I love this group! Love Anyatori!😆🧡
•2 週間前
コラボ配信お疲れ様でした マルチプレイのバックショットルーレット面白すぎたww 今日もとても楽しい配信をありがとうございました!!
•2 週間前
Thanks for the fun collab!
•2 週間前
This game makes you drink too much for it to expect you to also be doing math at the same time, everyone kept losing count so much😅 Thanks for the laughs everyone it was fun! I love gambliiiiing, in gaaaaames
•2 週間前
Oh god, I like this collab so much, thank you for orginizing, it was super fun!
•2 週間前
Thanks for the collab! It was super fun listening all the banter and clever planning to keep yourself alive lol
【Buckshot Roulette】Multiplayer Mode Released - Nothing Can Go Wrong, Surely? 【hololive ID | Anya】
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11/02 9:04 - 11/02 11:52
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