7 件のスーパーチャット
Franco Ledesma
•11/07 13:15
Forgive me Shiori, I have sinned. I demoted my membership cuz i want to save my pc gamer but the love its the same. 🫠
•11/07 15:00
The bois know every detail of eachother.
Sharkespeare Novelite
•11/07 13:11
•11/07 13:09
Waking up to a Shiori stream to start the day before work, nice~
Revelence 91
•11/07 12:59
VOD gang for this one I'm afraid. stuck at work, in the middle of an audit, and I'm an hour late for my lunch, wish me luck everyone! 😅
•11/07 16:20
Enjoy breakfast! :_shioriHeart:
Yoshii C
•11/07 16:19
Thank you, Shiori:_shioriHeadpat::_shioriHeadpat::_shioriHeadpat:
61 件のコメント
•1 週間前
Thanks for the Eden Eternal collab, it was a lot of fun tuning in to watch you three clear out dungeons and powerlevel. Very nostalgic seeing some of the places I remembering running through for quests as well. Was nice to hear you all reminisce about some other familiar MMO games I remember playing too and the chat about cats and flying to see them was funny. Also woo, temporarily absolved of sin. Rest well, enjoy breakfast and I'll catch you and the rest of Advent for the L4D2 collab~
•5 日前
Was fun watching you all playing an MMO together and yapping!
•1 週間前
This is such a fun group, I hope to see more of this game from yall Great job on all the grinding
•4 日前
Thank you for the fun collab, Shiori! I was listening to this at work and it was pretty comfy seeing y'all go through some dungeons together and chat about whatever topic happened to be brought up. Y'all bounced off of each other really well and it'd be great to see y'all hang out together some more, whether it'd be in Eden or potentially Maplestory somewhere done the line.Glad that the three of you were able to get some space this go around as well and you made quite a sizable chunk of progress overall! Did a bit of catching up level wise as well and I managed to make it through Malice Palace! Honestly, it had my favorite dungeon design so far and the soundtrack for it had some amazing ominous vibes~It really has been nice going through these dungeons. Most of the upcoming dungeons have actually made me stop and dug up memories from farming them for gear, especially Ulta Hall and Baltaroi Core. They've been very nice memories to experience again... Thank you again for the stream as always, Shiori. Hope you have a good one and we'll catch you at the next stream!
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream!! God, this game brings back memories. I don't know if it was this one or another one by the same studio that I used to play religiously back in the day with my high school pals. It was quite fun, we were big weebs Thank you for the trip down memory lane, and I hope you and Advent have fun later on! See you when I see you, lots of love, bye bye!!
•1 週間前
You three are so much fun together, I feel like you all are on a similar level of just saying what you want when you feel like it Thanks for the stream Shiori!
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream Shiori!!
•1 週間前
Thank you for the chill little stream! The grind never stops, aye? I'm glad the three of you are having so much fun together! Watching you go through all the different dungeons and all the questing truly takes me down memory lane back to when my friends and I used to be on the grind ourselves. It's so comfy! I hope you'll get together again and play more in the future!
•1 週間前
It was so nice to be able to listen to all the MMO yapping I can't wait to see more of it
•1 週間前
Thanks for the fun stream Shiori
•1 週間前
The EE grind squad in action is something to behold Thanks for the fun collab
•1 週間前
It was fun watching you girls clear out dungeons and so on. Also, it's fun listening to you girls talk about MMO games. Good progress. Thanks for the collab, Shiori. See you next stream.
•1 週間前
That was a fun group! Thanks for the stream Shiori
•1 週間前
It was so much fun watching you all together! Thank you for the stream! I am so behind on this game now, though! WIll have to grind to level up for next time we play this.
•7 日前
Thanks for the stream! I am happy that I can see you three in this old game.
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream! Just a casual MMO grinding stream. I do get why you compile all the quests together. While I was doing them separately, I noticed that it was the same monsters as the other quests. So I started doing them all together to get them all done at once as well. It really helps to speed up the process.
•1 週間前
Thank you for the fun collab stream and congratulations on all the progress done! I'm hoping to grind the game more after work, have a lot of catching up to do
•1 週間前
Really love this MMO group and it was fun watching you all dungeoning, questing, and yapping. I'm really glad you were able to join Kiara and Gigi with this game. You did a great job as a healer despite not having an official tank and Gigi pulling all the mobs Watching you all play is giving me back that MMO itch and motivates me to grind out Eden Eternal. Thank you for the stream and looking forward to the group's next adventures
•1 週間前
Thank you for the stream! You caught up very quickly and healed all the way to the completion of the dungeons Very happy to see you playing this game and having fun, I'm having lots of fun too looking at your adventures
•7 日前
Thank you for another Eden Eternal stream, Shiori! It was a lot of fun watching the three of you gals clearing dungeons and doing some leveling/grinding in the game. The mix between all the shenanigans, yapping, and the MMO experience that makes this such a comfy and fun time! It was *chef's kiss*. Can't wait for the three of you to get back at it again in the near future! As always, thank you for all the hard work Shiorin~ Can't wait for the Advent collab tonight!
•7 日前
VOD gang reporting in and just in time for the L4D2 Advent collab happening shortly. This was an enjoyable collab with the three of you and, honestly, quite relaxing as well; essentially a pleasant zatsu with a bit of questing and leveling. I don't know much about Eden Eternal, so I can only assume you made decent progress today based on my understanding of some similar RPGs I've played, such as the SAO games. Nonetheless, you three did great today! I’m not sure if I will ever pick up this game myself, as I don't usually play MMOs, but it is fun to watch, and it's also really cool when the community can get involved and play along too. ~ See you in a bit for the Advent L4D2 collab. It's going to be great!
•1 週間前
1:53:58 we have been thoroughly trained These three ladies just take a conversation to a magical journey and its amazing!!Gotta love the environment that is created while chilling and grinding in an MMO with friends. Thank you so much, Shiorin, Wawa and Gigi!!🐔👁🗨👧
•1 週間前
Thank you for the fun, chill, and educational (??) stream! I learned a lot about putting cats in clothes, among other things. To clear up a common misconception, we do not compare sizes. Or, at least, no one ever wanted to compare sizes with me Please have lots of fun with Left 4 Dead tonight! Looking forward to Crab Game too.
•7 日前
I just got caught up with this VOD (work made me miss it when you were live, sorry!) and this looked like a great collab! I admit I don't fully understand this game, the UI is a lot to take in and MMOs aren't typically my thing, but it was still a fun time to see you playing with the others and working your way through different challenges and such. Thanks for the good times, much love as always
•4 日前
Thanks for the stream Shiori! Sorry I don't have the time or energy to join in on the grind right now But I'm having a lot of fun watching
•7 日前
I see you were grinding off stream to reach lvl 20!! I hope to see ya grinding more offline though. It’s genuinely fun to see how much enjoyment you get out of this. I am also having a great time whether it is doing my own quests or watching ya. I’m also happy to see that you weren’t bombarded or crowded like in last stream. You actually got some breathing room and space to go do your own thing!! You even made amazing progress. You went from lvl 15 al the way to lvl 30. You are doing a great job~!! The banter and topic conversations between you, Kiara and Gigi was insane. We went from Salt and Pepper brotugging for milk, to BC pills, to buttocks choreography. I was washing stream while in class and had to contain my laughter. I love how goofy this group is. You bounce off each other quite well. I also like your ability to say cursed stuff to Kiara. Seeing her reactions to out of pocket stuff was great. That’s probably the part I enjoy the most from MMO is the party dynamics and interactions with people, so seeing that on stream was great. I’ll be sure to grind on my own to catch up to you lvl wise. I didn’t expect the Eden Eternal grind, but I’m happy it’s happening. It’s been awhile since I’ve had fun in a MMO~!! Btw you are doing a lot of streams actually. From what I checked you got 3 streams going. Not complaining though really, it’s really cool to see you branch out and do more collabs. It’s been a lot of fun to watch. Though, I do hope you can get some time to take it easy and catch a break. Other than that, thank you so much for the collab stream. See ya in the advent L4D2 collab, Shiori. Thanks for working so hard and spoiling us a ton. May my sins be absolved Sister Shiori~ 🙏
•1 週間前
You have been a balm to my soul and I cannot thank you enough
•1 週間前
Glad you got to collab with Tenchou and Gigi, Wasn't about for about the 1st half but made it for the rest. Nice job with the grinding! Glad you had fun Shiori! Thanks for the stream!
•7 日前
Fun collab with wawa and gigi. It was nice seeing you girls yap and grind away. Brought back memories from back in the day. Thanks for the stream Shiori~
•7 日前
Thank you for joining the collab, Shiori! You made some good progress and grinded hard today with Wawa and Gigi! Looks like I gotta catch up and go aggro because you are now a bit ahead of me. I'm having a lot of fun in Eden Eternal. This is the first time I'm playing an MMO, and I'm really getting into it. I'm definitely up to play and spoil you again in a members stream! Thank for introducing me to Eden Eternal, Shiori!
Praise Be to That Which is Eternal!【Eden Eternal】
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