70 件のスーパーチャット
•11/04 6:15
Selamat Malas, Risu! :_risuheart:
M. AlFa
•11/04 8:25
Tadi aku rapat Virtual online via Vidcall WA, sambil ndengerin MMM mu. Anehnya aku bisa fokus ngomong, sambil ketawa dalam hati gara-gara Risu😂
•11/04 8:19
Don't forget to check crash landing studios, they made the short video, the one you said yesterday with two sentence horror
•11/04 8:16
Berarti next time boleh nambah selain Hi Honey doang? Tadi nanya soalnya anda
Jimmy WeebShooter
•11/04 8:15
HELLO RISU!! HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL! MY MONDAY IS SUPER MALAS!😭 I will visit Jakarta this weekend! Hope to see you my Indonesian Celine Dion!
•11/04 8:12
Terimakasih streamnya Pakde Rusdi 👍
Muhammad Maskawaih
•11/04 8:12
Makasih MMMnya Ris! lagi gak sehat ini gabisa berjalan. gpp lah moga Risu dan risuners sehat2 aja. coba bacanya kebalik atas bawah Ris:_LEMAO:
Dean Gf
•11/04 8:12
baru datang ayam penyetnya, otw ke mamang ojol dulu
•11/04 8:05
Barusan sodaraku lewat liat begini trus nanya, "apaan itu muka nya gede bener?pake kumis pula?" lol
Dean Gf
•11/04 7:45
tapi gak berlaku buat resto pempek yg punya nama gede
Dean Gf
•11/04 7:39
pempek mahal itu 2 jenis, kalo gak ikannya kualitas bagus, perbandingan ikan : sagu nya lebih banyak ikan
Katya M13
•11/04 7:17
so that's why she told us to "kiss" and "kokop other's lips" many times, naruhodo
がぷにゃ_ atama🧠🤏
•11/04 7:07
guys doain kerjaan minggu ini lancar tadi habis bersihin tangki fermentasi ditingal kekantor bentar malah meledak kyk kaleng sarden tutup tangkinya.
Dean Gf
•11/04 6:50
antara kena kesulitan atau menjadi terhutang ris
•11/04 6:47
Hello Risu, If I could kindly request? I would love to hear you say “Good evening, did you have a good day today?” In Indonesian using Ayunda voice 😀
•11/04 6:46
I love Risu’s laugh. But I don't know Indonesian. She must be smiling seiso, right? (of course i love unseiso risu too:_risuheart::_risuheart:)
•11/04 6:44
Join membership guys, terutama pembicaraan membership yg kemaren sangat panas...dan menghasilkan illustration yang panas juga
Katya M13
•11/04 6:43
"kyknya risuners M" lah lha anda pikir? nama saya aja ada 13 M-nya òwó)
•11/04 6:37
halo mba risu, ak baru nonton kau lucu kali cocok jadi penghibur hati yg lara btw mohon roastingannya
•11/04 6:36
Dean Gf
•11/04 6:29
iya ris, gw langsung sukses, sukses kenyang krna abis 1 bungkus mi sukses
Dean Gf
•11/04 6:23
ingat anak2, tetaplah di jalan devil - ayunda risu, sc.2020
Cicak Troll
•11/04 6:18
Lapar tapi malas keluar, shopeefood sepi. apa yang harus kulakukan?
Cicak Troll
•11/04 6:13
Dean Gf
•11/04 6:09
gk tau ris, yg gw tau beliau olang kayah yg gk mikirin tambahan bagasi dan bea cukai setiap liburan ke LN
Dean Gf
•11/04 6:06
tumben samaan ris, gw tadi dikasih yubari melon 1/4 potong oleh teman yg baru balik dari jp
•11/04 6:06
Good morning Risu. Please accept this dono towards any nut fund that may or may not exist :)
Neya Clips. Ch•
•11/04 6:05
Senin itu monday.Selasa itu tuesday.Kalo kamu beautiful everyday 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I Sang Min
•11/04 6:02
리수짱 슬라맛 말람.하리이니 주가 리수짱 와 리수짱 데스넹.카와이 데스넹.민따 안빌 츄츄 머신건 츄츄츄츄츄츄츄츄츄츄.아다라기.민따 안빌 펫펫 머신건.펫펫펫펫펫펫펫펫펫펫. 이니 할루. 따삐 리수 냐 뜨랄룩 잔띡 스칼리.이상민와 와루쿠 나이요네~띠러마카시 슬라맛냐. ❤️
•11/04 8:29
:_otsu1::_otsu2:Cool mustache, dude :_risuners:
35 件のコメント
•2 週間前
*[MALAS STAMPS]* 4:32 Hewro everybody 6:42 Cium, cipok, kokop 12:55 The jacket that I'm using on the unboxing is this jacket. -Ball- Bow 15:26 Story of someone who stopped selling ice sticks 19:26 Lately I've been drinking milk 21:27 The cow 25:23 Sudden muscular oneesan 36:23 Membership idea executed well 42:38 Golden 50:31 Ayunda DLC: Selamat sore~ 59:35 I'm bad with farewell 1:01:28 Indonesian lesson: Gabut 1:18:36 You know what else I'm great with 1:35:07 1:36:22 I don't want to say this, but I've been mewing 1:57:44 Closer Risu 1:58:04 Malas malas malas~ 1:58:51 Big Risu / close Risu 2:00:17 Glasses on 2:02:27 With mustache 2:04:57 2:05:50 _ARGH!_ 2:06:34 _HA!_ 2:12:46 Donation reading 2:15:59 Top view Risu 2:16:57 Back view Risu 2:17:27 TAIL / Ayu: Hi honey~ 2:22:02 Big Risu / close Risu 2:29:16 Fun fact 2:33:03 C part. Big Risu / close Risu Tongue twister 1:17:50 1:23:59 1:25:05 Ayam penyet 17:23 17:23 17:46 43:23 1:15:59 1:16:32 1:44:21 2:14:46 [More timestamps] 4:32 Hewro everybody good evening everybody malas! Leaning back. I hope you guys are doing ok. I am malas 5:15 Handonesian 5:50 Today is very cold in my place 6:27 Rainy season is here, most places raining 6:42 Cium, cipok, kokop 7:38 I am eating melon 8:10 Be malas 8:46 If I cannot hold it anymore I'll just repost any RisuNNN illustration later. Today I almost do it, I'm holding myself back but tomorrow for sure, I shall repost 9:25 [EN] c: haveing a sore throat but it got better after drinking yogurt R: for me, it'll be betadine throat spray 10:09 C: Salam malas Risu girl, hope you have a great day today. R: Wao thank you Gen Fernandez! ww 10:54 I pick up new hobbies lately so if I have spare time usually I do my hobbies 11:09 Dono. Let's go! 11:46 I prepared a lot for yesterday collab stream, tested everything one day before. Surprisingly today I feel super exhausted. Also preparing other stuff and homework so it doubles the fatigue 12:36 Wao! + 12:55 The jacket that I'm using on the unboxing is this jacket. Shows it side views. There is -ball- bow, this -ball- bow, on my handcam stream 14:25 Malas, leaning back. [EN] R: this melon so yummy, can't stop eating it. [EN] c: Risu and friends, pls pray well for me selling mini martabak. [EN] R: whoa, if you have strategic spot and correct strategy, it'll sell well 15:26 [EN] R: i heard of a story where someone sell ice sticks and it sells well, but they got tired coz it's selling too well and then malas and stopped selling it www 15:48 Niagara fruit~ 17:23 Ayam penyet~ ww 17:46 Ayam penyet~ 18:25 I'm asking you guys have my MMM ever get normal. [EN] c: last week's was too crazy, pls be more sane in this MMM. R: has MMM ever be sane? 19:26 Drinking the usual juices. But lately I've been drinking milk. This milk doesn't give me lactose intolerance. [EN] c: sambal bajek or sambal matah for the penyet? R: sambal terasi (fermented shrimp paste) 19:49 It's susu pasteori pasteurized milk. [EN] c: is it a lactose-free brand? R: it's not 20:15 ww. [EN] c: Ris, i want the tws that has your pict but i want the one with bass, should i get. R: get, but just put it for show www 20:59 Tonjok guru 21:27 The cow is a pasteur / pastor? What? [EN] c: breathe and embrace the malas 22:03 Pasteurized cow are the holy cows. What. What am I talking about. [EN] R: ths melon is tasty, i almost finished eating it. it has 4 pieces left. [EN] R: i just talk while eating melon and you guys watch me. [EN] R: it's not that we dislike amusement, we just like amusement that has no point. [EN] c: can melon be spoiled? R: if it tastes sour 23:17 The rainy season is starting so it's getting colder 24:11 ww 24:34 [EN] R: "yahaha, i don't watch Risu anymore because she has become more t*x1c". i have been like this since years ago. [EN] R: "Risu has changed". where were you? do you watch me back then? i was like this since the start 25:23 [EN] R: d*m, i just refreshed x and there's a muscular oneesan. [EN] R: is this an onee-san? yes it is, she wears only bra. [EN] R: whoa, crazy. [EN] c: wearing only bra doesn't always mean it's a she. R: it is a girl, look 26:16 SANA-tan (sanatan_jp). [EN] c: c'mon ris, you can be like that as well. R: for what? for throwing you guys? whoosh like that www. [EN] c: i choose moona than you as oshi, sorry. R: and? you saying that for what? 27:28 "~" [EN] c: how much do you believe "bathing at night is making you sick". R: *sneezes*, yea that. you might get cold 28:27 Risu sneeze x2. [EN] R: and maybe for you who has not reach your 20s, it still feels fine. but later on you'll feel your bones in pain (?). [EN] c: whoa your age is showing. R: then what? if you know this info you gonna be a boss or a businessman/woman? [EN] R: if you know this info you will become a sucessfull person with 3 digits salary? no, right? if it's a jobless internet person then maybe yes 28:48 _Haha_ 30:33 Get your sorry azz out of the internet and touch some grass. | [EN] R: everytime i read hanizen's name i always rember the vid of person got hit by a car and when eugh www 31:42 [EN] R: "whoa ris your face is showing" well yes it's in the model, then what? [EN] R: being a person, if your life is meaningless, don't show it off 32:12 33:06 Today I did weekly shopping. _You? Have you touched some grass?_ Ck ck 33:34 Scooter 34:05 [EN] R: do you know otoped? it's that. [EN] R: the electric one, but it's big. [EN] R: it's a scooter, but now people think of scooter as motor bike right? [EN] R: it's the one Teletubies' Po used. [EN] R: and the person wear helmet, backpack, and they ride it along with cars and motorbike. [EN] R: maybe they went to campus because they look like student. [EN]c: where is that? R: on the road ofc, you think it's on river? 34:49 D*4m kamu. [EN] c: i skip school to go to internet cafe. R: internet cafe? what year is that? wake up, galih 36:23 Internet cafe. _Eeh ww_ I like it I love it even. You guys executed it well my idea on membership. Super good. Code project TAIL 37:11 Hanizen. Astor restock. [EN] c: it seems hanizen drank the wrong med. R: yea 38:05 What 38:31 C: Rusa Rosi Rosa. R: What + 38:59 *Reads Japanese, Risu cute. Taicho I'll take care. Taicho genki always yes 39:48 [EN] SC: hello Risu, i just watched you and you are so funny, perfect to be a heart's joy, btw the roast pls. [EN] R: why, why you guys ask for roasting www 40:23 Malas. [EN] R: you guys already miserable, and me roasting you? you'll get worse 41:11 _What_ | [EN] c: roasted by vtuber, died menggemaskan (mengenaskan = horribly, menggemaskan = cutely) 41:46 ww. Fakta. [EN] R: it's not that i like to badmouth, it's just that i like to say facts. [EN] c: soon you'll get 900k cihuuy 42:38 [EN] c: oaky then, praise me if you don't want to roast me. R: yea maje, wow your nut is golden now 43:23 Ayam penyet~ [EN] c: i just broke up with my problematic gf/bf. i'll stay single for now. R: that's great, if you can avoid red flag 44:13 Malas, leaning back 44:38 Join membership. Talking about membership. Membership wallpaper bonus. [EN] c: and you can get seiso fanart ideas aswell, join membership now 45:18 "~" ww 45:40 At this point (900k) celebration feels hard when my homework is crazy like this 46:13 Katya MMMMMMMMMMMMM 47:03 Doing super malas. It's cold today tho. Membership is very cultured talk, you can check last Friday's membership, super good. [EN] SC: join the membership, guys. especially the very hot talk, and creating hot illust as well 47:48 Sorry, last Saturday, not Friday 48:28 [EN] c: when will you end live? R: then when will you end li- eeeh, end your misery 49:19 This month is November guys. I am seiso 49:50 Ha ha. DLC request 50:31 Ayunda DLC: Selamat sore~ [EN] A: are you fine? is everything alright? 50:55 [EN] c: it's alright, auntie. R: what Continue in reply
•2 週間前
semenjak nonton risu jadi ga terlalu yg terobsesi bgt buat menetahui vtuber lebih jauh, cukup nonton aja
•2 週間前
2:04:55 “special ASMR” section
•2 週間前
56:23 mantap wildan 👍🏼
•2 週間前
Otsu Risu!!!! Seperti biasa, obrolan di stream MMM memang selalu seru! Cocok banget Ris cosplay jadi bapak-bapak
•1 週間前
Otsu ris,terima kasih atas stream yang tidak akan normal ini!!
•2 週間前
OtsuRisu~~ Thank you for the fun stream
•2 週間前
Malam ini agak dingin, tapi jadi terasa hangat dengar obrolan Risu dan Risuner. Thank you for the stream, Risu!!
•3 日前
1:51:38 saran untuk viewer yang bolos sekolah
•2 週間前
Thank you for tonight's MMM chill chit chat stream, Risu!
•2 週間前
OtsuRisuuww thanks for the MMM stream, it was super fun talk and enjoy the rest of your monday..
•2 週間前
2:24:44 punten aqua sashet nya masuk tv 🥛
•2 週間前
Thank you for the MMM
•2 週間前
Thanks for the stream
•2 週間前
Nasi cumi hitam pak de krisu😂
•2 週間前
Otsu Risu!! I had a good MALAS today
•2 週間前
27:28 Wah, ngajak ribut tuh orang, wkwkwk 😅
•2 週間前
•2 週間前
Hp ku kesiram air malah check out tws risu😢
•2 週間前
baru mau masuk udh abis :[
•2 週間前
Welcome to Non-stop Nut November! 🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️
•1 週間前
Monstop mut movenber
•2 週間前
•2 週間前
•2 週間前
💀I failed NNO
•1 週間前
no nutt November?
•2 週間前
💀 I failed NNNO
•2 週間前
【M.M.M.】Monday Malam Malas : Selamat Malasssss【Ayunda Risu】
Peak Concurrent
Super Chat
Concurrent viewers
11/04 5:58 - 11/04 8:28
Chat messages
11/04 6:00 - 11/04 8:31