0 件のスーパーチャット
37 件のコメント
•3 日前
00:00:00 - start 00:02:07 - opening 00:11:57 - vs. MANON 00:19:42 - vs. BLANKA 00:26:25 - vs. BLANKA(2) 00:37:24 - vs. BLANKA(3) 00:48:58 - vs. BLANKA 00:59:01 - vs. BLANKA(2) 01:05:41 - vs. BLANKA 01:20:40 - vs. BLANKA 01:25:35 - vs. BLANKA 01:34:42 - vs. BLANKA(2) 01:41:53 - vs. MANON 01:53:29 - vs. GOUKI 01:57:38 - vs. MARISA 00:26:00 - モッカイモッカイモッカイ 00:58:24 - モッカイヤリタイモッカイヤリタイ 01:34:17 - モッカイモッカイモッカイ おつもかさーんでした~
•3 日前
もかちゃんと猛者参加者さんお疲れ様でした! 白熱した戦いばかりで楽しかった〜 あと登録者14万人おめでとう🎉
•3 日前
配信感謝〜✨ 皆の力で強くなっていくモカサーン…
•3 日前
最近スト6やったことないのに見てるんだけど、ハチャメチャにおもしろい 相手に合わせて攻め方変えてるのがわかりやすくて見やすいのもある おそらくメイビーめちゃくちゃ上手い
•3 日前
I really love Moka-chan's positive attitude while playing!! I also enjoy when she praises the opponent and when she panics 😄 And I love the "Mou ikkai mou ikkai mou ikkai" 😂
•3 日前
甘結 もか これまでの戦績 (バトルハブ,ランクマ,カスタム) 101戦 85勝 15敗 1引き分け 勝率 84.16% 勝ち 負け 勝率 vs. A.K.I 5 0 100 vs. BLANKA 7 4 63.64 vs. CAMMY 4 2 66.67 vs. CHUN-LI 3 0 100 vs. DEE JAY 2 0 100 vs. DHALSIM 1 0 100 vs. ED 1 0 100 vs. E_HONDA 1 0 100 vs. GOUKI 6 1 85.71 vs. GUILE 2 0 100 vs. JAMIE 4 1 80 vs. JP 2 0 100 vs. KIMBELAY 2 0 100 vs. KEN 6 1 85.71 vs. MARISA 2 0 100 vs. MANON 3 2 60 vs. LUKE 3 0 100 vs. RASHILD 1 0 100 vs. RYU 1 0 100 vs. TERRY 4 0 100 vs. VEGA 16 2 88.89 vs. ZANGIEF 4 1 80
•3 日前
今日も配信ありがとうございました! いつも概要欄の日記にいつも癒やされてます! 明日のファンネーム決めと質問回も楽しみです!
•2 日前
The way Moka sways while talking and playing is cute!
•3 日前
•3 日前
みんな上手いw 私も早く上手くなりたい!
•2 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
今回もキャラ対カスタムとランクマお疲れ様でした! カスタムの参加資格のMRが高いだけあって今回もめっちゃ強いリスナーがいっぱい来てくれて良かったですね! どんどん対策が進んでいって強くなるもかちゃんを見ていくのもめっちゃ楽しい! 次回も楽しみにしてるね!
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
•2 日前
Today is another great showing by Amayui Mokkai (Moka spams mokkai, short for 'one more' when she wants a rematch during the stream.) Your competitive enthusiasm is so cute and contagious, I can't help but rewatch your streams over and over. 以下は概要欄の翻訳です (Description translation below) --------- Today is custom room and ranked! Manon players... please join. Custom match ◯Room rules Min. 1700MR Manon and Blanka (May lower limit if no one is available) 3 matches. I may ask for rematches. Will likely take notes and do testing throughout. --------- I'm in a bit of a tired mood so the stream might be short! Yesterday's matches were so fun. I didn't think that many people would join at first. I was overjoyed so many decided to participate!!!!!!!!! Also, I found out that Vega players are incredibly motivated. ... Take care, photobook(man). There was a time when I would think "I did everything I needed to do yesterday, so let's sleep early today!!" I ended up staying in the training room and went to bed late with adrenaline pumping. WAHAHA But I was happy so everything's OK. I want to get better. I want to be cooler!!! So on another interesting subject, when I was thinking of how to reply and thank everyone on X, it took about 40 minutes. I kept meandering on how to word my posts. It took about the same time as my first stream. (^o^)(^o^) I'm still humming about them now ・:*。・:*三(o’ω’)o hmmmmmmmmm ponponponpon On that note, I received a lot of suggestions for the fan name! Thank you so much! I want to do a stream soon to announce the candidates! There's lots of great ideas! Look forward to it! Please send Akuma memes.
•3 日前
•3 日前
ブランカの可愛さに目覚める配信だなこれw もっかいもっかいって昔ゲーム好きの姪っ子ちゃん(当時小学生)に良く言われてたのを思い出しますねぇ 微笑ましく見れる格ゲー配信って感じですよね
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
配信おつかれさま!! もっかい!!✕∞
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
•3 日前
自分用 1:27:36
•3 日前
【スト6】ちょっとランクマッチ&マノンブランカ対策をしたい!【 ぶいすぽっ!甘結もか 】
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