27 件のスーパーチャット
•11/05 11:59
•11/05 10:08
Met Quota guys!! Met QUOTA!!! btw Happy Birthday Kaela!!!1!1!!!🎊🎁🎉🎂
•11/05 9:41
Good night, sweet cool and CUTE Kaela :D
•11/05 9:19
Is it me or Kaela's neck a bit long?? :3
Corned Beef
•11/05 13:35
otsukare :_skiaheart:
•11/05 13:18
kaela w/ inverse: find stuff, spends all day tryna bring it back. everyone else w/ main and fire exit: find lots of stuff and bring it back to ship.
•11/05 12:54
can't wait for kaela to start binge watching Bread videos to learn how to loot artifice efficiently, and then master the artifice cruiser jump too.
•11/05 12:04
Kaelaaaaa apakah tenggorokanmu baik-baik saja?大丈夫ですか?:_load:喝水 喝水 喝水:_laugh:
•11/05 9:34
Those meteor hardly Passed her! 😂
Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
•11/05 9:06
Good evening, Kaela.. Good luck with the collab 👍
•11/05 13:36
gws, the flu doesn't last long.
Rene Alarkyun
•11/05 13:35
Have a good healthy night Kaela
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 13:35
otsu everyone, again gws ela
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 13:27
o wow new quota I showed up on time for the stream
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 12:45
Ela, honest question: has anything EVER scared you
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 12:06
gws Ela, I've had a cold for a week so ik ur pain
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 11:45
if you stand still they think u died and TP. trust
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 11:27
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 11:26
solo inverse ikz
Chris Momo
•11/05 10:15
dudu GSH
•11/05 9:52
so many key to unlock your heart ❤️
•11/05 9:47
Sakit teros jadi gini ya. Gila dan stress astaga
Dragtistic Arrow
•11/05 9:38
happy birthday Ela 🎂
Andrew Swallie
•11/05 9:21
since LC is a famous gacha game, here's my luck 💰
Luxury Focus
•11/05 9:14
La, kpn collab sama Re:Memories, Eveline Celestia?
•11/05 9:07
i've had it with her shannonigans haiyaaa
•11/05 9:46
43 件のコメント
•1 週間前
Hello all Pemaloes, Just want to let you know regarding the timestamp. I don't know why it is not shown on "Top Comment" section, but yeah it's hidden. You need to sort the comment section to "Newest First" to see it. Sorry for the inconvenience
•1 週間前
Sisi cute Kaela keliatan klo lagi sakit 🙂👍
•1 週間前
otsukare! so many deaths for your new employee she should make the tutorial videos after all
•1 週間前
2:22:44 chipmunk kaela
•1 週間前
otsuuuu~~~ cepet sembuh yaa...
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
Otsu! Thanks for the stream, glad you were able to make it to artifice!
•1 週間前
teori kaguya-sama bener guys, kalo sakit beda kepribadian
•1 週間前
Makasih collab Streamnya kaela,Ollie,Shanon Dan pia Cepet sembuh la
•1 週間前
Otsulemao.. thanks for the stream la
•1 週間前
Otsu la, thank you for the collab. Cepet sembuh flunya ya
•1 週間前
otsu!! thank you for the collab stream, Kaela♡!! it was fun
•1 週間前
19:29 its vtuber from sweden apenlive who is having birthday yesterday
•1 週間前
•6 日前
Pumpkin be like = Gok gok gogok gok gogok
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
Ela tidur lebi awal pake selimut 😘😘😘chcuhu gws
•1 週間前
Coba ke fire exit nya lewat belakang kapal
•1 週間前
Pia tuh mirip juga kaya alenka ternyata
•7 日前
2:42:20 kaela lucu
•1 週間前
Selalu seru kalo dapet rare weather, tapi sayangnya org banyak dapet pas lagi di dalem gedung atau ga dalem ship wkwk
•1 週間前
Bener sakit ni anime
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
Bgmnya apakah amonali lagu baru atau cover ?👀
•1 週間前
Thank you for last night's fun Lethal Company collaboration stream with Ollie Senpai, Shannon and Pia, Kaela!
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
•1 週間前
itu lampu sama cuman cara naiknya doang ada yg jauh ada yang deket
•1 週間前
【Lethal Company】katanya mau try hard... yaudah.....
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11/05 9:01 - 11/05 13:34
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11/05 9:00 - 11/05 13:37